Recurso 1

According to the 2022 Agri-food Panorama edition, published by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Agri-food and Fisheries Information Service, the food sector once again recorded positive figures, despite the very uncertain conditions facing the global economy.

The annual publication indicates that in the agricultural year 2021, 268.6 million tons of agricultural goods were produced (1.3 percent more than the previous agricultural year); 24.1 million tons of livestock goods (2.2% more than the previous year) and 2 million tons of fishing and aquaculture goods (1.6% more than the previous year).

The combined value of this production, generated by about 6.4 million people engaged in agricultural, livestock, fishing, and aquaculture activities, reached a value of 1 trillion 336 thousand 086 million pesos. This labor, in which territory, natural resources, animal inventory, infrastructure, as well as producers and workers converge, places our country in the 11th place in the world food production, in world agricultural crop production and in world primary livestock production, in the 17th place in world fishing and aquaculture production, and in the 7th place in world agri-food goods export. Some important data are mentioned below:

Territory: Mexico has 1,964,375 square kilometers of territorial surface and 3,149,920 square kilometers of seas. By extension, it is the 13th largest nation in the world.

Population: Mexico has 130.1 million inhabitants, of which 9 million generate and transform agricultural and fishing goods. 1.7% of the planet’s inhabitants live in Mexico. 10th most populated nation in the world.

Infrastructure: Mexico has around 3 thousand agricultural warehouses; 1,187 animal slaughter centers; 90 wholesale food sales points; 66 fishing ports; 26,914 km of railroads; 401,366 km of highway network, and 3,817 dams for agricultural irrigation of which 2,172 are dams exclusively for agricultural use.

Mexico has 24.6 million hectares for agriculture. 5.8 million people prepared and harvested the land. The convergence of territory, natural resources, animal inventory, infrastructure, and workers enables the generation of national agricultural and fishing production.

In the following image taken from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), we can appreciate the importance of primary activity in Mexico.

International Environment

The existence of a network of 14 Free Trade Agreements with 50 countries with a potential market of 1,327 million people encourages the search for new opportunities and better conditions for the sale of agricultural, livestock and fishing products from Mexico in international markets.

Now, Del Mineral company currently makes use of two international treaties which are USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) and CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership), since a percentage of its production is exported to the United States and Canada. The following image is taken from the Agri-food and Fisheries Information Service SIAP in which we can observe the 14 International Treaties and the main international markets of the Mexican Livestock sector.

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