Recurso 1

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The fruit of the bean is a gently curved pod that naturally opens when ripe, and its seeds can be oblong, oval, or round depending on the variety. This is a new variety obtained in the Bean Program of the National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture, and Livestock Research (INIFAP), released in 2001 by the Saltillo Experimental Field of the same Institute.


Among plant-based foods, beans are one of the highest sources of protein. They are also rich in antioxidants and minerals. When consumed in combination with corn, they provide all the amino acids that the body needs. The pinto saltillo bean has a higher protein content (22.1%) and a shorter cooking time (45 minutes in a pressure cooker) compared to other options.


It is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Fabaceae family, with slender and weak stems that are square-shaped and sometimes striped with purple. It has trifoliate leaves with an acuminate apex and more or less tubular lateral leaflets, as well as a rounded standard. It reaches a height of 50 to 70 cm, and its roots develop with a main taproot and many branching roots.




The product is packaged in a polypropylene raffia sack, a transparent bag measuring 55 x 100 cm.


Beans can be stored for several months, up to 7 months under good conditions.


They are stored on plastic pallets in transparent bags weighing 25 kg.


Our packaged product weighs 25 kg per bag.

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